Friday, February 24, 2017

"What Democrats should resist..."

The text I chose to critique, is an editorial, from the "Opinion" column in USA Today, authored by USA Today's Editorial Board. The title of the editorial is "What Democrats should resist: Our View". Seeing as though this editorial is written and published in the "USA Today", a paper that tends to side on the more liberal view of social issues, and the title is "What Democrats should resist", we can pretty easily suggest that this editorial was written with Democrats in mind as the intended audience. After reading the editorial it becomes clear that the piece was written, more specifically, to the eyes and ears of those democrats who seem to oppose Trump, on every topic, almost religiously. The writers suggest that democrats should, "resist the temptation to let their far left wing control too much and to assume that indignation alone can win elections." The next paragraph of the article touches on an idea that I share, and vocalized, at the immediate conclusion of the election which is "Many of Trump's policies will not help many of the people who voted for him." The authors then discuss some things they feel democrats should oppose to and actively work to prevent, such as, Trump's proposed tax change. The tax change would raise taxes of those making less than $9,325 annually from 10% to 12%, while lowering the tax from 39.6% to 33% for those who make more than $418,400. Another point made in the editorial is the need for change within the Democratic party. That change coming in the form of "younger leadership, policies that appeal to moderates and independents, voters who actually turn out, and a compelling and coherent vision for how they'd be different from Trump." The article is concluded with the idea that Democrats are upset and have valid reason to be. But Democrats need to be strategic, efficient, and tactful, in the ways they move forward as a party, combatting Trumps policies. While the marches and protests show brawn, it'll be the brains that are applied to the situation, that reap the parties intended improvements. Overall, I agree with the authors of the editorial. I think the time for crying about Trump has come to an end. It's time to work and get in positions of power, as young difference makers, and have the ability to bring the change and improvements we say we so badly want and need.